Joss + Megan

Together we started Seaustravl in July 2020 as we were needing something to inspire us through the year that was.

With international travel on hold we decided to live out our dream of the ultimate trip around Australia. Our goal was to document our 12 month journey, share travel tips and connect with other travels. That 12 months has now quickly turned into two years on the road.

We hope to inspire others to travel and live outside the β€˜norm’ of 9-5, work with a range of different brands and meet new people while finding new places off the beaten track. 

All the photos you'll see on the blog are taken by us. We want to share our experience, perspective, advice and mistakes in the hope to help others make their travel dreams come true.

We want other travellers like you to use what we write and what we photograph as a guide to create your own memories and adventures out on the road. You can follow our adventure on all our social media channels.

OUr canopy build

A huge part of our journey has been slowly changing our camping set-up to suit our lifestyle and make it easier to just jump in the car and shoot off on a road trip. From sleeping on the back on the tray and having an old esky to now a roof top tent and a fridge - our set up has changed a lot. Check out the progress on our YouTube.